Once upon a time, there lived three friends named Lilly Lemon, Billy Banana, and Willy Watermelon. One day they went to a playground and Lilly found a flower so they decided to go home and plant the flower. When they got home they got home they went shoping. When they got home they had dinner and then fruit and then they got in to bed and went to sleep. The next morning they went to school. After school they went on a adventure the adventure was called on the rocket to outer space so what they did was get on the airplane and go to the sky and find a rocket. When they were in outer space they saw some bad guys so Billy was the only one that had a weapon so when Billy was done they kept riding to outer space. Then when they landed on Neptune it was very chilly. When they were done on Neptune they went to Uranus they played and then when it was time to go back to earth they said goodbyes to Neptune and good by to Uranus. So when they got home from outer space they ate dinner and then fruit and then got in to bed and then went to sleep. The next morning was Saturday so they got to stay home and last night they dreamed about outer space. When they wanted to play at a playground they went. when it was lunchtime they ate lunch when they were done they took a nap. when it was time to wake up from nap it was snowing so they went outside and they puted on there jacket and mittens and hats and when they were done they went outside. When it was time to eat dinner they ate dinner. And then they ate fruit and then they went to sleep. The next morning was Sunday they hot to stay home. when it was lunchtime they ate lunch. When it was naptime they went to nap. When it was time to wake up from nap they woke up and had some snack. When it was dinner time they had dinner and then fruit and then they went to sleep. The next morning they went to school. When it was time to come home from school they came home. When it was time to eat dinner they ate dinner and then fruit and then they went to sleep. The next morning they went to school. When it was time to go home from school they went home. When they got home they had dinner and then fruit and then they went to sleep. The next morning was first day of Kindergarten they wanted to see there new teacher and friends. When it was time to go home they went home from Kindergarten. When they came home they had dinner and then fruit and then they went to sleep. The next morning was Saturday and everyone got to stay home.