Once upon a time, there lived a horse named Harry, a reindeer named Ron, and a hamburger named Hermione. One day they were trying to go on vacation but it was to far so what the did was to stop at a hotal named Confort. And they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then they went to another hotal. When they got to there new hotal they played and then they took a nap. When they woke up from nap they had snack and then they watched TV and then they went on vacation. When they got to they’re vacation they went shopping. When they got home of shopping they had lunch and then they took a nap. When they got up from nap they had snack. After snack they went hiking. When they got back from hiking they took a nap. When they got up from nap they had snack and then they went back home. When they got home they took a shower. And then they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then they went to school and today was first day of Kindergarten. When they got home from school they had dinner and then they took a shower and then they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then they went to school. When they got home from school they had dinner and then they went outside and played and then they brushed they`re teeth and then they read a bedtime story and then they went to sleep. The next morning was Saturday so they got to stay home. After that they had lunch and then they went on an Adventure. When they got to their Adventure they took a nap. When they woke up from nap they had snack and then they went back home. When they got home they had dinner and then they watched TV and then they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then they went to school. When they got home from school they had dinner and then fruit and then shower and then they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then and then they went for a walk and then they came back home and then they had lunch and then they took a nap. When it was time to wake up they had snack and then they played a game and then they had dinner and then they took a shower and then they went to sleep. The next morning they had breakfast and then they played a game named Guess who after when they finished the game they had lunch and then they took a nap. When it was time to wake up from nap they had snack and then they played and then they had dinner and then they took a shower and then they brushed their teeth and then they went to sleep.

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